what's with the inconsistency?
So I finished my fake website, or so I thought. I got the layout to where I liked it okay, and made all of the 5 pages with an
editable table for html content, blah blah blah. Made sure all my links are functioning, and preview it in both Internet
Explorer and Safari, where it checked out okay. So I uploaded into my class drop box, and feel really good about getting it
done, even if it was turned in 4 hours outside of the late assignment grace period.
A little while letter I am on the PC since I can't use the Mac to run the applications on my campus website. I decide to
download my site to see how it looks on the PC, because I've heard colors look different. It downloads in just a second
and when I open, low and behold, all the images are broken. The only thing that shows up are those editable tables,
and the style sheets that go with them aren't working. UGLY, and NONFUNCTIONABLE. There is no way to remove it
from the dropbox and if there was I wouldn't know how to fix it. So now I am waiting for my instructor to view this
embarrassment of a Unit 1 project, and hopefully she can give me some pointers. Or, if this sounds like a familiar
problem to anyone, I am using Dreamweaver and am pretty much desperate for advice.